10 Slang Expressions Meaning Broken
English Vocabulary Lessons
Welcome to NJCLT's free English lesson on 10 slang expressions meaning broken. In this lesson, we will explore popular slang terms used to describe something that is broken. Whether it's a physical object or an emotional state, these expressions add color and flavor to the English language.
1. Bust
The slang term "bust" is commonly used to describe something that is broken, damaged, or no longer in working order. It can refer to objects such as machinery, appliances, or even relationships. For example, "My phone's screen is completely busted, I need to get it fixed."
2. Kaput
"Kaput" is a slang expression meaning completely broken or beyond repair. It originated from German and has been adopted into the English language. It carries a sense of finality and irreparability. For instance, "After years of wear and tear, my old car finally gave up and is now kaput."
3. Cracked
When something is described as "cracked" in slang, it means it's broken or damaged. This term is often used when referring to electronic devices such as smartphones or computers with damaged screens. An example sentence would be, "I dropped my laptop, and now the screen is cracked."
4. Shattered
"Shattered" is a slang expression used to describe something that has been broken into many pieces, typically as a result of impact or force. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a person's emotional state when they are deeply hurt or devastated. For example, "The window shattered into a thousand pieces when the baseball hit it."
5. Toast
When something is "toast" in slang, it means it is irreparably broken or damaged beyond repair. This term is often used humorously or metaphorically. For instance, "My laptop crashed and lost all my files, it's toast now."
6. Busted
"Busted" is a slang term commonly used to describe something that is broken, damaged, or no longer functioning properly. It is often associated with law enforcement or catching someone in the act of doing something wrong. For example, "I tried to fix my bicycle, but I ended up busting the chain."
7. Wrecked
In slang, "wrecked" is used to describe something that is severely damaged or destroyed. It can refer to objects, vehicles, or even a person's physical or emotional state. For example, "The car was wrecked after the accident."
8. Smashed
"Smashed" is a slang term that implies something has been broken or crushed with great force or impact. It is often associated with drunkenness or being under the influence of alcohol. For instance, "He accidentally smashed the bottle against the wall."
9. Fubar
"Fubar" is an acronym for "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition." It is a slang expression used when something is completely broken, messed up, or beyond repair. While it originated in military jargon, it is now commonly used in everyday conversations to describe disastrous situations. For example, "The computer system crashed, and all the data is fubar."
10. Gone to pieces
"Gone to pieces" is an idiomatic phrase used to describe someone or something that has fallen apart, become disorganized, or is no longer functioning as it should. It can refer to both physical objects and people's emotional states. For instance, "After the breakup, his life went to pieces."
Learning slang expressions meaning broken can give you a deeper understanding of the English language. These terms add a unique and colorful touch to everyday conversations. Whether you're discussing a cracked phone screen or a shattered heart, these expressions allow you to convey a specific meaning in a concise and descriptive way. Expand your slang vocabulary and enjoy using these expressions with confidence!