6 Words You Can Use Instead Of Because Or Because Of

Apr 18, 2022
English Grammar Lessons


Welcome to NJCLT's exclusive free English lesson on 6 words you can use instead of 'because' or 'because of'. Enhancing your vocabulary and diversifying your writing can greatly improve your language skills. In this lesson, we will explore alternative words and phrases that convey the same meaning, allowing you to express yourself more effectively.

The Importance of Word Variety

When it comes to writing, using the same word repeatedly can make your text monotonous and boring. It is crucial to expand your vocabulary and incorporate diverse words and phrases. Not only does this make your writing more engaging, but it also demonstrates a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of language.

1. Due to

When you want to express the reason for something, instead of using 'because' or 'because of', you can use the phrase 'due to'. This phrase conveys the same meaning but adds variety to your writing. For example, instead of saying "I couldn't attend the meeting because of a prior appointment", you can say "I couldn't attend the meeting due to a prior appointment". This small change can make a significant impact on the quality of your writing.

2. Since

'Since' is another word that can be used instead of 'because'. It implies a cause-and-effect relationship and is commonly used in both formal and informal writing. For instance, rather than writing "She didn't participate in the event because she was feeling unwell", you can write "She didn't participate in the event since she was feeling unwell". This change adds variety and sophistication to your language.

3. As a result of

Instead of using 'because of', you can opt for the phrase 'as a result of'. This alternative allows you to convey the cause and effect in a more detailed manner. For example, instead of saying "The match was canceled because of bad weather", you can say "The match was canceled as a result of the inclement weather conditions". By utilizing this phrase, you create a more descriptive and engaging narrative.

4. Owing to

Another phrase that can replace 'because of' is 'owing to'. It is slightly more formal but serves the same purpose. For instance, instead of stating "The project was delayed because of technical issues", you can state "The project was delayed owing to technical issues". This alteration adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your writing.

5. In light of

If you want to convey a cause or reason while adding a nuanced perspective, you can use the phrase 'in light of'. This phrase suggests that you are considering a relevant factor. For example, instead of saying "She canceled the trip because of personal reasons", you can say "She canceled the trip in light of unforeseen personal circumstances". By introducing this phrase, you demonstrate a deeper level of consideration and introspection.

6. On account of

Lastly, 'on account of' can be used as an alternative to 'because of'. This phrase implies the reason or cause and is often used in formal writing. For instance, instead of writing "The event was postponed because of logistical issues", you can write "The event was postponed on account of unforeseen logistical challenges". By employing this phrase, you elevate the sophistication and eloquence of your writing.


Expanding your vocabulary and using alternative words and phrases instead of 'because' or 'because of' can greatly enhance your writing skills. NJCLT's free English lesson has provided you with six impactful options: 'due to', 'since', 'as a result of', 'owing to', 'in light of', and 'on account of'. By incorporating these alternatives, you will be able to diversify your writing, make it more engaging, and express yourself with greater precision. Start using these words today and observe the positive transformation in your writing!

Mark Zediker
The examples provided make it easier to understand how to use these alternatives effectively. Thank you for the clear explanation.
Oct 31, 2023
Alan Charron
Diversifying vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Thanks for the tips!
Oct 23, 2023
Peter Varga
These alternative words will enhance your writing skills.
Oct 9, 2023
Marcin Kowalski
I find it intriguing that there are so many words that can replace 'because' or 'because of'.
Sep 23, 2023
Wendy Giuffre
I can't wait to start using these alternatives in my writing. Thanks for the valuable lesson!
Sep 1, 2023
William Wallace
Thanks for sharing this informative lesson. Looking forward to using these words in my writing.
Aug 28, 2023
Henry Gleason
I appreciate the effort put into providing these alternatives. It's a great resource for writers.
Aug 25, 2023
Candy Hembree
I appreciate the effort put into providing these valuable alternatives.
Jul 15, 2023
Jeri Hiatt
Thanks for sharing these alternatives. I'll be sure to incorporate them into my writing.
Jul 6, 2023
Jason Cornell
This lesson is really helpful for expanding vocabulary and improving writing skills.
May 31, 2023
Aman Poonia
Thanks for sharing these helpful alternatives. Expanding our vocabulary is always valuable!
May 7, 2023
Birendra Agarwal
This lesson is so informative! Learning these alternative words can make our writing more diverse.
Apr 26, 2023
Ristiina Wigg
Interesting read. I'll definitely try to incorporate these alternatives into my writing.
Apr 24, 2023
Nancy Jagielski
I'm excited to try using these alternative words in my writing. It will add depth and variety to my expression.
Apr 7, 2023
Frank Chang
Learning new words to replace common ones can make writing more creative.
Mar 23, 2023
Ibrahima Ndiaye
Using varied language can make writing more dynamic and engaging.
Feb 26, 2023
Teresa Magana
It's great to have these alternative words and phrases to enhance our writing. Thank you!
Feb 19, 2023
Russell Pass
This article really made me think about the words I use in my writing. Thank you!
Feb 10, 2023
Jerry Desmond
The examples provided make it easy to understand how to use these words effectively.
Feb 1, 2023
Yarden Egozi
I never realized there were so many alternatives to 'because'. This is really helpful!
Dec 22, 2022
Philip Neighbors
I appreciate the effort put into providing these helpful alternatives.
Dec 7, 2022
Divey Gulati
Diversifying vocabulary enriches the language. Thanks for the tips!
Nov 25, 2022
Using different words instead of repeatedly using 'because' can really enhance our writing. Thanks for the suggestions!
Nov 16, 2022
Brad Mohler
I never thought of using alternatives to 'because'. This changes the way I approach my writing.
Oct 26, 2022
Jens Guenther
I never realized there were so many options to use instead of 'because' or 'because of'. This is eye-opening!
Sep 13, 2022
I'm excited to experiment with these alternatives in my writing. Thank you for the tips!
Aug 30, 2022
Peter Beaudrault
I never realized there were so many alternatives to 'because' and 'because of'. Great lesson!
Aug 28, 2022
Wow, I didn't expect to find such a comprehensive list of alternatives. This will definitely help me improve my writing.
Jul 27, 2022
Stephen Bowack
Great tips! I'll definitely incorporate these alternatives into my writing.
Jul 4, 2022
Sandra Ocampo
Great article! Expanding vocabulary is essential for effective communication.
Jun 28, 2022
Garett Gray
This article is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their writing skills.
Jun 18, 2022
Joel Hirshfield
I find it fascinating how small changes in our word choice can make a big difference. Thanks for the insightful lesson!
Jun 16, 2022
The lesson was concise yet very informative. Looking forward to more lessons like this.
Jun 7, 2022
Chuck Carlsen
I'm excited to start using these alternative words in my writing. Thanks for the lesson!
May 25, 2022
Michael Matsangakis
Using different words and phrases can definitely make writing more interesting and engaging.
Apr 29, 2022