Learn English Vocabulary – Find vs. Find Out
English Vocabulary Lessons
Welcome to NJCLT's insightful lesson on the English vocabulary words 'find' and 'find out.'
Understanding the Difference
Are you confused about when to use 'find' and 'find out'? You're not alone! Many English learners grapple with these words, but fear not! In this comprehensive lesson, we will explore the nuances and differences between the two.
What is 'Find'?
Let's start by understanding 'find,' which is a verb used to express the act of discovering or coming across something or someone that was previously unknown, lost, or hidden. It implies stumbling upon or locating a specific item or person.
In everyday conversations, 'find' is commonly used when referring to physical objects, such as finding a lost key or finding a book in the library. It can also be used metaphorically, like finding a solution to a problem or finding happiness.
What is 'Find Out'?
'Find out,' on the other hand, is a phrasal verb that means to discover or obtain information, often through research, investigation, or inquiry. It implies actively seeking knowledge or truth.
When we 'find out' something, we gather facts, details, or answers to questions. It is commonly used when talking about acquiring information on a wide range of topics, such as finding out the weather forecast, finding out someone's phone number, or finding out the truth about a situation.
Usage and Examples
Let's dive deeper into the usage of 'find' and 'find out' with some illustrative examples:
Using 'Find'
1. I find it difficult to concentrate in noisy environments.
2. They found a wallet on the street and returned it to its rightful owner.
3. Sarah finds joy in painting beautiful landscapes.
Using 'Find Out'
1. We need to find out the meeting schedule for next week.
2. I'm curious to find out who won the prestigious award.
3. He found out that his favorite band was performing live in town.
Tips and Tricks
Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you master the usage of 'find' and 'find out':
1. Context is Key
Consider the context and purpose of your sentence. Is it about locating something or gathering information? This will guide you in choosing between 'find' and 'find out'.
2. Phrasal Verb Dependency
Remember that 'find out' is a phrasal verb, meaning it cannot be separated. You cannot say "I find the information out" but rather "I find out the information."
3. Use Collocations
Expand your vocabulary by learning common collocations or word combinations with 'find' and 'find out.' For example, 'find a solution,' 'find the right answer,' 'find out the truth,' etc.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
The more you practice using 'find' and 'find out' in various contexts, the more comfortable and natural it will become.
Congratulations on completing this comprehensive lesson on the English vocabulary words 'find' and 'find out.' By clearly understanding their differences, nuances, and usage, you can confidently incorporate them into your everyday conversations. Keep practicing, expanding your vocabulary, and soon you'll master these vocabulary words like a native English speaker!
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