Good AT vs. Good IN – Learn the Difference in American English

Sep 2, 2019
English Grammar Lessons

Welcome to NJCLT, your ultimate resource for learning American English grammar and idiomatic expressions. In this lesson, we will delve into the difference between 'Good AT' and 'Good IN'. Understanding this distinction is crucial for enhancing your command of the English language.

What Does 'Good AT' Mean?

When we say someone is 'Good AT' something, we are highlighting their competence or proficiency in a particular skill or activity. It represents a person's ability to perform well in a specific area. For example:

  • He is good at playing the piano.
  • She is good at problem-solving.
  • They are good at public speaking.

Using 'Good AT' correctly allows you to articulate someone's strengths accurately. It helps convey their expertise and capabilities in various domains, making conversations more precise and effective.

What Does 'Good IN' Mean?

'Good IN' indicates proficiency within a broader context or environment. It signifies being skillful or proficient in adapting to particular situations, locations, or areas of expertise. Consider the following examples:

  • She is good in mathematics.
  • He is good in negotiations.
  • They are good in handling customer queries.

Employing 'Good IN' enables you to express someone's mastery or effectiveness within a specific field, emphasizing their ability to navigate and excel in diverse circumstances.

Using 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' Correctly

To use 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' appropriately, it is essential to understand the context and the skills involved. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Identify the Specific Skill or Subject

Determine whether the skill or subject is a specific activity or a broader field. If it requires a specialized ability, use 'Good AT.' If it involves applying skills within a particular domain, utilize 'Good IN.'

2. Consider the Role and Environment

Reflect on the situation, role, or environment in which the skill is being discussed. Evaluate whether the expertise applies to a particular context, indicating 'Good IN,' or if it denotes a general skill set, implying 'Good AT.'

3. Practice and Observe Usage

Improve your understanding and usage of 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' by practicing in various conversations, reading, and listening to native English speakers. Pay attention to how these expressions are used in different scenarios to develop your own proficiency.

Why Understanding 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' Matters

Mastering the correct usage of 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' contributes to your overall fluency and accuracy in English. It prevents confusion and ensures effective communication, especially when describing someone's abilities, talents, or accomplishments.

Applying 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' appropriately enables you to express yourself more precisely, highlighting your language skills and cultural understanding. It enhances your ability to communicate with clarity, enabling others to comprehend your intended meaning more accurately.

Enhance Your English Language Skills with NJCLT

At NJCLT, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive language education that helps you excel in various aspects of American English. Our expert tutors guide you through intricate language nuances, enabling you to grasp advanced linguistic concepts comfortably.

Whether you are a student or a professional, enhancing your language skills gives you a competitive advantage in an increasingly globalized world. NJCLT offers tailored courses and personalized sessions to suit your learning needs, equipping you with the language proficiency necessary for success.

Explore our wide range of English language programs and start your language learning journey with NJCLT today. Unlock new opportunities, expand your horizons, and communicate effectively in American English.

Remember, understanding the difference between 'Good AT' and 'Good IN' is just one step in your language learning adventure. NJCLT is here to support you every step of the way.

Sushil Pandit
Great explanation, very helpful!
Oct 14, 2023
Roger Barbe
Thank you for taking the time to disentangle the subtle differences between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's much appreciated.
Oct 10, 2023
Aly Johnsen
This article stands out as a valuable resource for anyone trying to understand the intricacies of American English. Great work!
Sep 18, 2023
Javier Sanchez
I've always wondered about the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in'. This article finally answered my questions.
Jul 5, 2023
Damian Connolley
This article does a fantastic job of demystifying the differences between 'good at' and 'good in'. Thank you for the clarity!
Jun 26, 2023
David Fabritius
I was struggling to grasp the difference between 'good at' and 'good in' before, but this article has definitely cleared it up for me. Thank you!
Jun 25, 2023
Jason Brown
The article's focus on detail and clarity when explaining 'good at' and 'good in' has truly enhanced my language learning experience. Thank you!
Jun 13, 2023
Nora Gutsche
This article offers an incredibly clear and comprehensive explanation of the 'good at' and 'good in' difference. It's a great aid for language learners.
May 19, 2023
Georgios Elissaios
The way the article discusses the nuances of 'good at' and 'good in' was really insightful. It's a fantastic resource!
May 9, 2023
Sean Coughlin
Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's these little nuances that can make a big difference in language proficiency.
May 8, 2023
Kim Johnson
The article's expansive coverage of 'good at' and 'good in' usage is incredibly enlightening. It's an invaluable resource for language learners.
Apr 8, 2023
George Popstefanov
Thank you for providing such a well-thought-out and detailed explanation of the differences between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's been enlightening and beneficial for me.
Mar 17, 2023
Lj Adams
As a language learner, it's articles like these that make a significant impact on my understanding. Thank you for the valuable content!
Mar 13, 2023
Inger Gauden
The examples provided in the article were incredibly beneficial in helping me grasp the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in'. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Feb 19, 2023
Karily28 Provided
The article provides a comprehensive understanding of the usage of 'good at' and 'good in'. It's a great aid for mastering American English.
Jan 5, 2023
Gopalakrishnan Govindaraj
This article is really helpful for non-native English speakers like me. Clarifying these nuances is invaluable.
Jan 4, 2023
Thanks for guiding us through the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's a crucial aspect of language learning.
Dec 5, 2022
Phil Eggen
This article is definitely going to help me fine-tune my understanding of the English language. Thank you for the thorough and insightful explanation!
Nov 9, 2022
Elvis Weapenicappo
The article unpacked the complexities of 'good at' and 'good in' in a way that made it easy to understand. Thank you for simplifying it!
Nov 7, 2022
Bruce Harris
Thank you for shedding light on a commonly overlooked aspect of English grammar. The explanation was spot on.
Nov 1, 2022
Andrew Lunt
The clarity of the explanations in this article is commendable. I feel like I've gained a deeper understanding of this aspect of English grammar.
Oct 3, 2022
Carly Summers
The article was a fantastic breakdown of the subtle difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's something I'll keep in mind when speaking English.
Sep 4, 2022
Michael Stephens
Clear, concise, and incredibly helpful. This article has definitely enriched my understanding of American English.
Jul 31, 2022
James Parker
I'm grateful for this article. It makes the 'good at' and 'good in' distinction much clearer and easier to remember. Truly helpful content!
Jul 2, 2022
Laura Field
The article's thorough explanation of 'good at' versus 'good in' was incredibly helpful. I appreciate the clarity it provided.
Jun 21, 2022
Sandra Lapp
This article deepened my understanding of American English. It's small details like these that truly enrich language learning.
Jun 2, 2022
Sloan Seale
I appreciate the attention to detail in this article. It's the kind of resource that really helps language learners.
May 7, 2022
Linda Humphrey
The article's breakdown of the 'good at' versus 'good in' differentiation was extremely valuable. It's the kind of content that really enriches language learning.
Apr 29, 2022
Aimee Gonzalez
The 'good at' vs. 'good in' explanation was so clear and concise. I feel more confident about using these phrases correctly now.
Apr 15, 2022
Ashutosh Kumar
I appreciate the focus on such specific language nuances. It shows a commitment to thorough language education.
Apr 12, 2022
Andreea Pahontu
The article does an excellent job of elucidating the difference between 'good at' and 'good in', making it easier to comprehend. Very helpful!
Apr 7, 2022
Ritu Srivastava
The examples provided are so practical and effective in illustrating the difference between using 'good at' and 'good in'.
Mar 23, 2022
Jane Ebert
The examples make it so much easier to understand the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. Thank you for the thorough explanation!
Mar 13, 2022
Scott Bennett
This article emphasizes the importance of understanding subtle grammar differences, which is crucial for mastering English. Thank you.
Feb 14, 2022
NCAVA Members
I'm truly grateful for this article; it has deepened my understanding of English idiomatic expressions. Thank you for the thorough explanation!
Feb 6, 2022
Ivan Barrionuevo
I found this article extremely helpful. The clarity and detail in the explanation really make a difference.
Jan 20, 2022
Angelito Borillo
The article's focus on illuminating the differences between 'good at' and 'good in' usage is highly commendable. It's a valuable resource for language learners.
Jan 18, 2022
Robert Fiore
I can't thank you enough for this article. It has clarified a long-standing confusion for me. The examples were particularly helpful!
Dec 31, 2021
Jeff Gjerdingen
The article's thorough explanations make the 'good at' and 'good in' distinction crystal clear. It's an invaluable resource for language learners.
Dec 27, 2021
Calvin Clancy
I never realized how important it is to distinguish between 'good at' and 'good in'. This article opened my eyes to a new aspect of language learning.
Dec 8, 2021
Learning the difference between 'good at' and 'good in' has always been a challenge for me, but this article made it much clearer for me. Thank you!
Dec 2, 2021
Barbara Cecil
The examples provided in the article make it easier to understand when to use 'good at' and when to use 'good in'.
Nov 23, 2021
Michaela Zmek
It's amazing how such a seemingly small distinction can impact language usage. This article has really broadened my understanding. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Nov 18, 2021
Jaime Schneider
As a language learner, I find this explanation extremely useful. It's the details that make all the difference.
Nov 4, 2021
The article's breakdown of 'good at' and 'good in' was enlightening. It's a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their English skills.
Oct 8, 2021
David` Wetnight
The logic behind the usage of 'good at' and 'good in' is now crystal clear to me. Thank you for the explanation.
Sep 20, 2021
Bob Lemoine
I'm so thankful for this article. It's really broadened my understanding of the English language. The explanations are on point!
Sep 9, 2021
Tiffany Provided
I've never thought about the 'good at' vs. 'good in' difference before. Thanks for bringing attention to it!
Sep 6, 2021
Karla Provided
The article makes the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in' much easier to understand. Thank you for breaking it down.
Aug 8, 2021
Jonathan Dreyer
I never thought about the 'good at' and 'good in' difference in such detail before. This article definitely added depth to my understanding. Thank you!
Jul 21, 2021
Kristijan Rebernisak
I had always been a bit uncertain about when to use 'good at' or 'good in', but this article has certainly cleared that up. Thank you!
Jul 11, 2021
Bob Skaggs
The article's detailed examples and explanations really helped me understand the nuances of 'good at' and 'good in'. A valuable resource for language learners.
Jun 26, 2021
Wendy Luo
Thank you for providing such a comprehensive explanation of the 'good at' versus 'good in' distinction. It's been incredibly beneficial for my language learning journey.
Jun 4, 2021
Guillermo Gutierrez
I appreciate the effort put into explaining the nuances of 'good at' and 'good in'. It's been enlightening for me as a language learner.
May 5, 2021
Leo Simon
I found this article incredibly useful. It's often the small details that help us become more proficient in English.
Apr 23, 2021
Christopher Bellon
As someone who's been learning English for a while, I really appreciate the depth of this explanation. It's truly beneficial.
Apr 2, 2021
Mike Lundgren
The thoroughness of the article's explanation made the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in' much clearer for me. Thank you for this valuable resource!
Feb 18, 2021
Claire Ory
The article offered a very comprehensive explanation of the use of 'good at' and 'good in'. I feel more confident in my understanding now.
Feb 18, 2021
Jack Pulliam
This article is a treasure trove for language learners looking to understand the finer nuances of English grammar. I appreciate the effort put into it!
Feb 11, 2021
Cheryl Lemox
I'm so glad I came across this article. I'm sure it's going to help me improve my English skills. Thanks for the informative content!
Jan 22, 2021
Thank you for highlighting the difference between 'good at' and 'good in' so clearly. It's an essential lesson for English language learners.
Jan 21, 2021
James Thomson
The article provides a great foundation for understanding the subtleties of American English. It's extremely beneficial for language learners.
Jan 20, 2021
Darren Read
I never realized the intricacy of when to use 'good at' versus 'good in' until now. The examples really helped solidify my understanding.
Dec 20, 2020
Joe Digirolamo
I'm truly grateful for this detailed explanation of the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in'. It has enriched my understanding of American English idiomatic expressions.
Dec 14, 2020
Janice Skot
The article made me aware of another layer of complexity in English grammar. It's both challenging and fascinating.
Nov 27, 2020
Arantxa Guerra
I've always been passionate about learning English, and this article has added to my knowledge. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Nov 19, 2020
Nancy Folgmann
The article provides a thorough explanation of 'good at' and 'good in', offering a valuable resource for language learners. Kudos to the author!
Oct 17, 2020
Janine Emmons
The article was a fantastic exploration of the differences between 'good at' and 'good in'. I learned a lot from the examples provided.
Oct 2, 2020
Barry Zitomer
This article helped clarify a common confusion. Looking forward to more lessons like this.
Sep 30, 2020
Amy Stallings
The article's clarity in explaining the usage of 'good at' and 'good in' has given me a much-needed boost in understanding American English idiomatic expressions. Thank you!
Sep 22, 2020
Charlotte Wood
The examples used in the article really drive home the differences between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's a great teaching method.
Sep 9, 2020
Jason Monroe
I really appreciate this article. It's evident the author put a lot of thought into breaking down the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'.
Aug 22, 2020
Tom Trudeau
I love how the article breaks down the usage of 'good at' and 'good in' in different contexts. It makes learning much easier.
Jul 30, 2020
Brian Kagen
The article's breakdown of the difference between 'good at' and 'good in' is incredibly valuable for language learners. Thank you for the insightful explanation!
Jul 28, 2020
Pamela Wales
The article is concise and informative, making it easy to grasp the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'.
Jul 10, 2020
Rob Olson
The article does an exceptional job of elucidating the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's been a great learning experience.
Jul 10, 2020
Tenisha Barnes
I've found this article to be immensely beneficial. It has certainly enhanced my grasp of American English idiomatic expressions.
Jun 26, 2020
Dennis Perrin
I found this article incredibly enlightening. Understanding the distinction between 'good at' and 'good in' is crucial for language learners.
May 10, 2020
Stephanie Lynch
I found the examples used in the article to be incredibly helpful in understanding when to use 'good at' and when to use 'good in'. Truly enlightening!
Mar 29, 2020
Great explanation! I've always struggled with using 'good at' and 'good in' correctly. Thanks for breaking it down.
Mar 28, 2020
Lisa Maragnano
The article's clear and concise explanation really helped solidify my understanding of the 'good at' versus 'good in' conundrum. Thank you!
Feb 14, 2020
Radu Trandafir
I appreciate the effort put into explaining the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's a much-needed clarification.
Feb 3, 2020
Chris Vandyke
I never realized how subtle the difference between 'good at' and 'good in' could be. This article was eye-opening.
Jan 22, 2020
Joseph Miller
I'm impressed by how effectively the article explains the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. It's a valuable resource for language learners.
Jan 9, 2020
Accessium Group
This article provides a strong foundation for understanding the nuances of American English. It's truly a beneficial resource.
Dec 20, 2019
Mikko Vuorenmaa
The examples and explanations make it so much easier to understand the difference between 'good at' and 'good in'. A valuable resource indeed!
Dec 3, 2019
Bill Gougler
The examples provided in the article make it much easier to differentiate between 'good at' and 'good in'. Such a valuable resource!
Nov 24, 2019
Mike Carney
With English being my second language, I value clear explanations like this. It's incredibly beneficial.
Oct 18, 2019
Sarah Henny
The article's detailed explanation helped me gain a better understanding of the 'good at' and 'good in' usage. Extremely beneficial for language learners.
Sep 25, 2019
Angela Kumar
As a language enthusiast, I found the article's explanation about 'good at' and 'good in' to be incredibly insightful and valuable.
Sep 19, 2019