12 Collocations With Do - English Grammar Lesson

Aug 18, 2018
English Grammar Lessons

Are you looking to enhance your English language skills? At NJCLT, we are dedicated to providing high-quality English grammar lessons to help you become fluent and confident in your communication. In this comprehensive lesson, we will delve into 12 essential collocations using the verb "do." Mastering these collocations will undoubtedly elevate your English proficiency.

1. Do your homework

Completing assignments has never been more manageable! Doing your homework demonstrates diligence and commitment to your education. Whether you're a student or a lifelong learner, this collocation is crucial in developing your knowledge and understanding.

2. Do business

Looking to succeed in the business world? Knowing how to do business effectively is key. From networking to negotiating, this collocation encompasses the essential skills required for professional growth and success.

3. Do someone a favor

Kindness goes a long way, and doing someone a favor can create meaningful connections. Whether it's helping a friend move or supporting a colleague at work, this collocation highlights the importance of lending a helping hand.

4. Do the shopping

Mastering this collocation will make your trips to the grocery store a breeze! Doing the shopping involves planning, budgeting, and selecting the items you need. Gain confidence in navigating different stores and finding the best deals.

5. Do harm

Understanding the consequences of our actions is essential. This collocation reminds us to be mindful of the potential harm we can unintentionally cause. Developing empathy and acting with care and consideration towards others leads to stronger relationships and communities.

6. Do an experiment

Calling all science enthusiasts! Doing experiments allows you to explore various hypotheses and expand your understanding of the world. Whether it's mixing chemicals or conducting observations, this collocation cultivates your scientific curiosity.

7. Do damage

In certain situations, accidents happen. However, taking responsibility for the damage we cause is crucial. "Do damage" reminds us to own up to our mistakes and take appropriate steps to rectify them.

8. Do your best

Striving for excellence is a commendable trait. No matter the task at hand, giving your best effort yields personal growth and achievement. This collocation encourages you to set high standards and work diligently to reach your goals.

9. Do the housework

Maintaining a clean and organized living space is essential for a comfortable lifestyle. Doing the housework involves a range of tasks, from vacuuming to washing dishes. By mastering this collocation, you'll become more efficient in managing your home responsibilities.

10. Do time

Have you ever heard the expression "doing time?" This collocation often refers to serving a prison sentence. While the context may be solemn, it's essential to understand the impact of our actions. This collocation reminds us to be mindful of the consequences our choices can have on our lives.

11. Do the cooking

Calling all food enthusiasts! Mastering the art of cooking is both rewarding and practical. From slicing and dicing to experimenting with flavors, "doing the cooking" allows you to create delicious meals and impress your friends and family.

12. Do laundry

Keeping your clothes clean and fresh is an everyday task. "Doing laundry" involves sorting, washing, and folding your garments. By familiarizing yourself with this collocation, you'll streamline your laundry routine and ensure your clothes always look their best.

By mastering these 12 collocations with "do," you'll enhance your language skills significantly. NJCLT is committed to providing you with comprehensive English grammar lessons that empower you to communicate confidently and fluently. Start incorporating these collocations into your daily conversations and watch your language proficiency soar!

Contact NJCLT today to learn more about our English language programs and take your language skills to new heights.

Carol Lewis
Learning collocations has been a challenge, but this article has helped me gain a better understanding. Thank you!
Nov 1, 2023
Augustin Krug
I appreciate the detailed breakdown of collocations using the verb do. It's great for improving fluency.
Oct 17, 2023
Roy McHenry
Thanks for this helpful lesson on collocations with the verb 'do'! It's going to be very useful for my English learning journey.
Jul 5, 2023
Stephanie Koclanis
I never realized there were so many collocations with 'do.' This article has opened my eyes to the nuances of English grammar.
Apr 10, 2023
Victor Sanchez
This lesson has definitely expanded my understanding of collocations with the verb do. It's very well-explained.
Feb 3, 2023
Ryan Chamberlain
Using collocations correctly is essential for natural-sounding English. This article delivers valuable insights.
Jan 31, 2023
Brian Cajes
I appreciate the thorough explanation of each collocation. This will surely help me improve my English skills.
Nov 18, 2022
Doug Whitmarsh
I'm thrilled to have discovered this article. It's a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their English language skills!
Nov 12, 2022
Ashish Sasidharan
The examples provided make it so much easier to see how each collocation is used in context. Thanks for the clarity!
Aug 24, 2022
James Farndale
The explanations are very clear and easy to understand. I'm feeling more confident already.
Jul 24, 2022
Barry Rudick
The organized structure of this article helped me absorb the collocations with 'do' more effectively. Well done!
Dec 23, 2021
Estella Elizondo
The variety of collocations presented here is impressive. Can't wait to start using them in my conversations!
Dec 22, 2021
Robert Boehm
Thanks for the informative article on collocations with the verb do! It's really helpful.
Oct 21, 2021
Sam Parker
The examples provided in this article make it easier to understand collocations with the verb do.
Aug 20, 2021
Chris Aloia
I found this lesson to be very informative and practical. It's already helping me express myself more effectively.
Aug 7, 2021
Allison McGrail
I've been struggling with collocations, but this article breaks it down in a comprehensive and understandable way. Kudos!
Jul 16, 2021
Bindu Crandall
I never realized how many collocations can be formed with the verb do until I read this article. Thanks for sharing.
Jul 7, 2021
Tom Irelan
Engaging lesson! Understanding these collocations with 'do' will definitely boost my confidence in speaking English.
Jun 4, 2021
Thank you for breaking down the collocations step by step. I feel like I've learned a lot from this lesson.
Apr 29, 2021
Melissa Shapiro
I always struggle with collocations, but this lesson has made it much clearer. Thank you!
Mar 27, 2021
Sydney Kroupa
I'm grateful for the examples provided, they really help to solidify my understanding of collocations with do.
Mar 15, 2021
Brian Kemp
I never realized how important collocations are in English until I read this article. Thank you for shedding light on this topic.
Jan 20, 2021
Sona Jones
The tips on using collocations with the verb do are practical and easy to apply in daily language use. Thank you!
Jan 16, 2021
Peter Tran
Learning collocations with the verb do has never been so enjoyable. Thank you for the thorough explanation.
Sep 16, 2020
Eduardo Ceja
The article has given me a better understanding of how to use collocations with the verb do in everyday conversation. Great job!
Jan 8, 2020
Kevin Mook
Excellent article! The examples provided really clarify the usage of 'do' in different contexts.
Jan 6, 2020
Nathan Dewitt
I appreciate the clear explanations provided in this article. Understanding collocations is crucial for language fluency.
Nov 2, 2019
Tom Gardner
English grammar can be complex, but this lesson simplifies the concept of collocations with do. It's a great learning aid!
Oct 26, 2019
Noah Liiv
I never paid much attention to collocations before, but this article has shed light on their importance.
Jun 8, 2019
Wade Freeman
The examples given here make it easier to grasp the usage of collocations with the verb 'do'. Great resource!
May 8, 2019
Thomas Gibbs
As a non-native English speaker, this article has been immensely helpful in improving my understanding of collocations. Thanks a bunch!
Apr 24, 2019
Beth Summerfield
These collocations are so practical! I'll be sure to incorporate them into my daily practice.
Mar 23, 2019
Connie Koontz
This lesson on collocations with do is exactly what I needed to improve my English skills.
Mar 9, 2019
Mapillary Ab
The article provides a clear and concise explanation of collocations with the verb do. Very useful!
Oct 14, 2018
I hadn't realized how much 'do' is used in collocations. This lesson has definitely broadened my language skills.
Sep 28, 2018
This article is exactly what I needed to improve my English skills. Thank you for the insightful lesson!
Aug 29, 2018